Christopher Phoenix-Jacob Levy, born September 5, 1990, decided to be a marine on 9-11-01 in the 5th grade. His goal was to get Osama Bin Laden. He joined JROTC in the 7th grade which continued through his high school years. He graduated June 9, 2009, and left for Parris Island June 21, 2009.
He became a marine September 17, 2009! But before and during all these times, he was just Jacob to his family and friends. He was an awesome son, big brother and friend. Loved by many and still loved and touching lives, his love for his family and friends carried over into his love for the USMC. His first tour was November 2010 to May 2011.
Bin Laden was killed in May of 2011, so he had accomplished his goal. (No details ever given) He thirsted for the action of combat and because of that volunteered to return as part of a replacement unit to the 1/6 Hard Battalion Weapons Company.
He left October 7, 2011, and couldn’t have been more excited or proud. He was going to complete his mission. December 7, 2011, the call came. He had been critically wounded, “Prepare to fly to Germany.” I did exactly that to be by his side.
December 10, 2011… His mission is complete… or so we thought. He was an organ donor and 7 people are alive today, because he had a mission and he wanted to be a part of something bigger than him.
Because of his and others sacrifices and Honor Brewing Company, his mission is still not complete. The beer not only brings people together, but it helps lift the spirits of our wounded by being able to give back to them.