SGT Cody R. Legg

September 28, 1984 – June 4, 2008

“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”

Thucydides, Ancient Greek Historian, 460 BC

Cody enlisted in the US Army just 3 weeks into his senior year and chose to give up senior year baseball so that he could train with the recruiters after school and learn everything he could before leaving for and advanced training, just 5 weeks after high school graduation. Cody loved baseball almost as much as he loved the military. He even played baseball while serving in South Korea and in Iraq and was rarely seen off-duty without his baseball cap. When home on leave, besides going to Padres games with his friends, he would stop by his high school, giving freely of his limited time, to chat with students in history classes.

Cody was a great friend to all – like your own personal Jiminy Cricket – encouraging, always upbeat, rooting for the underdog, mischievous, with a great big smile that could light up a room. One of his favorite quotes was, “A true friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” That’s how Cody lived his life, never missing a moment and making every moment count.

The Bronze Star Medal was awarded posthumously to Sgt. Cody Legg for exceptional valorous achievement as a squad leader on June 4, 2008, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Disregarding his personal safety while trying to reach his soldiers who were wounded while searching for a high-profile target, Sergeant Legg bounded towards his soldiers’ position and was mortally wounded. Sergeant Legg’s valorous actions reflect great credit upon him, the 1st Brigade Combat Team, Multi-National Division, and the United States Army.

“Individual commitment towards a group effort, that is what makes a team work.”

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